ST4TPV (2023)
Project supported by the CNRS PEPS INSIS program
- High-temperature thermal storage for thermophotovoltaic batteries
- The ST4TPV project focuses on the upstream « Power-to-Heat » conversion brick with storage at the interface between variable and intermittent electrical renewable sources and thermophotovoltaic (TPV) conversion. With regard to the international state-of-the-art in the development of TPV batteries (decarbonized « Power-to-Heat-to-Power » conversion solution with storage), the high-temperature thermal storage material pair (metallic liquid-solid phase-change materials (PCMs) between 1000-2500°C) and its envelope, adapted to the upstream constraints of renewable energies and the downstream constraints of TPV conversion, constitute a potentially differentiating key lock. The project is strategically positioned on this key PCM/shell pairing, as well as on the load of high-temperature thermal storage by in situ electrothermal conversion.
- Partners: Laboratoire de Thermique et Energie de Nantes, Conditions Extrêmes et Matériaux : Haute Température et Irradiation laboratory, Institut d’Electronique et des Systèmes.
- Principal Investigator:
DEMO-NFR-TPV (2016-2020)
- Near-field thermophotovoltaic converter demonstrator
- The aim of the project was to provide the first experimental proof of concept of a near-field thermophotovoltaic converter (NF-TPV) in laboratory conditions, for distances between the thermal source and the photovoltaic cell of less than 500 nm.
This was achieved, with record performance: 14% near-field conversion efficiency, and an electrical power density of 0.75 W cm-2. - Partners: Institut d’Electronique et des Systèmes, Centre d’Energétique et de Thermique de Lyon.
- Principal Investigator: